MEDICINE WHEEL serves to organize the energies of spirit
VORTEXES energies of spirit alive in the earth
ALTAR holds and generates energies of spirit
SMUDGE cleanses energies of spirit in people and spaces
SACRED CYCLES reflect energies of spirit in the natural cycles of celestial
bodies, the seasons, and the psyche
ELIXIRS vibrational essences for healing and manipulating physical and psychic
CRYSTALS generate and transmit energies and thoughtforms
DRUM vibrational conductor of Shamanic energies to the environment
POWER a force in the Universe which comes to guide the Shaman
SPIRITS entities either deceased or never incarnate; the vibrational essence of each
individuated aspect of Universal Consciousness
DEVAS spirit essences of things of nature
JOURNEY Shamanic technique of traveling in the Otherworld
STALKING Shamanic technique for merging with energies of the world; for studying and creating the Sacred Self
DREAMING Shamanic technique for gaining power in dreams; merging with the
language of the Allies
ALLIES Spirit Guides who have the power to take the Shaman into the Nagual
VISION the language the Universe uses to communicate with the Shaman
SEEING using the extra-sensory perception of the Shaman to capture images of spirit in action
WARRIOR accepting and training for the agonies of breaking through to new levels of consciousness
MEDICINE ENERGIES generated by the Shaman from a combination of all of the
above; the waters of the Shaman’s ocean; the essence of the Shaman’s world
NAGUAL not a part of the Tonal; not a part of Universal Consciousness
TONAL the knowable universe
Q’UAMANEC the Shaman’s transformed energy field
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