01.07.10 – 01.12.10
One aspect of my work to create the Medicine Energies in and around my little apartment in Yakima is the use of my hoop drum to generate Shamanic Energies. I use the drum to clear the energies in the apartment (which once was home to Devil Worshipers), and to accompany my “Singing In Tongues”. When the spirits came to me in 1990, it wasn’t long before I began speaking in a sort of gibberish when they were with me. Eventually, as my energies got used to the drum, I began to break out in a wordless song, which morphed into something very near to music. (I am not a musician!)
When I would go out to The Uplands, west of town, I always took the path to the highest point, a bump in the valley which was named Cowiche Mountain. From this high ground, there is a 360 degree view of the Yakima Valley, with lovely Mt. Adams shining in the southwest. Mt. Rainier’s backside appears just barely above a ridge of the Cascade foothills to the northwest. There is a geodesic marker to denote the ‘summit’ of Cowiche Mountain, and a small clearing in the sagebrush and brown basalt stones where I liked to “Shout In Tongues” as I turned in a circle, clapping instead of drumming. I could see directly down into downtown Yakima, where the Tower Building stood a full 14 stories tall.
One day in November 2008, I noticed a new coffee shop in the Tower Building. The Bohemia Café became my hangout immediately. The owner, Kareem, was from Detroit, and kept the sound system alive with a wonderful selection of the newest alternative, hip music. After a few visits, I decided it would be a good time to renew my habit of making drawings as I slugged down the delicious coffee.
I had stopped making drawings when I stopped putting up with Marilyn Monroe and her shenanigans. She had been the source from which the drawings were ‘channeled’ in my Surrealist Automatic style of random scribbles. Gazing at the scribbles yielded imagery which revealed aspects of the world of my spirits. I had been doing these drawings since 1988, and even before then. They were a natural for me in my quest for the Surrealist goal of Alchemical Transformation.
The first new drawings were very awkward, but eventually I gained confidence to attempt actual representations of ideas from my own imagination. What a revolution! (I am not an ‘artist’, either.)
One day, I walked in the door, and a vision opened up to me in the energies of the vortex which dominated the front of the café. The vision startled me with its vividness, and the content of its message. My drumming, and especially the hand-clapping at the summit of Cowiche Mountain, had opened this vortex, and the energies of spirit had drawn these new owners to the coffee shop. I felt a definite panic. My spirits had proven to be a rather unsettling presence wherever I’ve gone with them. I dreaded the effect they might have on this very welcome addition to the cultural community in Yakima. So I went immediately to perform ceremony to mitigate any untoward effects, and it seemed to work. At least it wasn’t my influence which eventually caused the business to fail!
But the Tower Building continued to show up in my Medicine as one of the Power Spots of the area. Senator Patty Murray has her office there, along with the DEA and other government and financial offices and businesses.
Indra also took up residence there. He began to create a drawing of his Tower on the white canvas above my yoga floor, and it continues to appear in drawings over a year later. This drawing was actually begun in the new Tower Café, which opened after the Bohemia closed, but was finished in the North Town Coffee House, where all my drawings have happened since the Bohemia closed down.
The diamond shape at the top of the Tower shows the Well of the Causal Chakra, located at the medulla oblongata, where the spine terminates into the skull. The Well in the Causal Chakra reflects the image of the Great Central Sun, center of the spiritual universe. Here, the Well sprouts with Kernunnos’ Shamrock, with its heart-shaped leaves. The four leaves of this shamrock are derived from the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel. The heart shape of these leaves is derived from a small ground cover which grew spontaneously beside the porch of my apartment before any other plant life appeared there. Since the building was constructed in the 1970s, the ground has been sprayed with Round-Up weed killer every year, so that nothing green would appear beneath the spiky hedge along the concrete walk. After I moved in, these heart-shaped green leaves (with only three leaflets) appeared, and produced bright yellow tiny blossoms. They now grow everywhere around the place.
01.05.10 – 01.07.10
New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2009, was a “Blue Moon”, the second Full Moon of the calendar month. Spirit activity had been intense for some time. The day before, I had a visit from Indra, the Himalayan “King of the Gods”. His name appeared in my energy field, and his face opened up on a large white canvas covering the wall above my yoga floor.
Spirit visits like this are a very exciting time. The energies light up, and what happens is just a treat. I didn’t know a thing about Indra, so I Googled him. He is the God of Soma, the legendary psychedelic of the ancient world. He is the God who freed the rivers. (The Indus River in Pakistan is his home turf.) I noticed he was famous for his sexual escapades. He was a very warm, likeable presence.
His visit on New Year’s Eve took me into a sort of dance on my yoga floor. I was with Indra, just enjoying his energies, when I noticed that my loins had suddenly been covered with a ‘girdle’ of 10,000 golden snakes, woven into a pair of underpants vibrating with sexual energy, filling every pore. The sensation made me break out with a deep, satisfied laughter, “HA HA HA HA HA”.
Indra stayed around for a while, and I was very pleased with his presence. I felt comfortable with him, and with what I could discern about what he had stood for. He filled my imagination for some time, appearing in drawings and contributing to ceremony with The Medicine. It felt like a partnership.
But then one day, appearing on that canvas above the yoga floor, his heaven opened up to reveal the glowing visage of Marilyn Monroe. She had squirmed out of her exile from my life and seemed to have been accepted in Indra’s court. I had no choice but to seal him off from my energies. I’d had totally enough of The Monroe!
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