Monday, April 9, 2012


Jesus has become my Nagual-- a projection from my loins, as is common among Shamans of the Amazon regions.  This happened a few months ago, when he slid forth from my loins as a little dirty black dog, and then morphed into a huge anaconda.  He headed straight for the delta of the Nisqually River, which comes down from Mt. Rainier into Puget sound between Seattle and Tacoma.  This region is home of Fort Lewis/McCord.  Immediately, a soldier from that base in Afghanistan murdered 17 Afghani civilians.  Jesus continued on a killing spree until yesterday.
The Anaconda Nagual drinking at the river.
I received a package in the mail containing some unique crystals.  I had 'seen' a small black object in the box, but it was not there when I opened it.  But a few moments later, Jesus spoke to me in a very tiny, shy voice:  "Hi, Bobo!"  That is one of the names he uses for me.  That was just before the Full Moon on the 6th.
I had buried Jesus and the rest of my Allies a week or so earlier, hoping to finally get rid of them.  I was distressed that it didn't seem to have worked!  (There is a collection of quartz crystals and other semi-precious stones that we have used throughout the twenty years of my Initiation as a Shaman.  Each carries the identity of one of my Allies, and the large Record Keeper carries the agenda of the Return of the Christ, based on a ploy initiated in the days before the Sphinx, in ancient Egypt.  I had cancelled that ploy, after having lived with Jesus for twenty years; it was obvious that the ploy had not envisioned the changing of the times, and that Jesus had failed to adapt to the Post-Christian Paradigm.)  So my years have been filled with battles between me and my Allies, Jesus, Marilyn Monroe, Nefertiti, and others.  I think I am gaining the upper hand, but who knows.

So I have had many encounters with various Deities, Gods, Goddesses, Divinities, and none of them has brought me the qualities I've been looking for.  I refuse to associate myself with inferior Pathways.  I finally came upon the Huna description of the Self, as composed of Higher Self (Aumakua), the Shadow Self, or subconscious, (Unihipili), and the personal self (Uhane).  I've been working for some months to get to know my Aumakua.  On Easter Sunday, I decided to make a painting to bring him into the Medicine.  I meditated and pondered for some time, but no image came to mind.

I decided to resort to my old style of painting, the Surrealist technique of "Automatic Drawing".  This technique brings out elements of the Unihipili, which is home of the Spirit Guides.  Marilyn Monroe and I used this technique for years to do paintings and drawings but I abandoned it when I was exiled to Yakima, and began to attempt to rid her from my life.

Using fingerpainting technique, I scumbled paint across a canvas I've been using to depict the male deities.  This brought out a unique GAZING PATTERN.  After an hour or so, the image popped into the scumble.

The head of the Anaconda can be seen in the lower center of the canvas.  He is at the bank of the river, just reaching down to take a drink.  The body is just barely visible as a line toward the left of the canvas, just above the head.  The water is below, a field of lighter hue, filling the lower right portion, with lily pads and weeds.

Above the creek bank is jungle growth, with a small bird perched in upper left, back toward the viewer, semi-circle dark band on his downward pointing tail.

"So this is my Aumakua!" I whined.  No wonder I have such a messed-up life!  I once sought healing from a woman named Leta Rose, in the Shoreline District just north of Seattle.  Marilyn Monroe had been giving me migraines in the right part of my skull.  As the healer placed her hands on my head, I could hear her guides tell her, "Screw him!  He's the Jew!"  Many other times, I've had people take an instant dislike to me,  for no reason that I could discern.  Now I know that many people can See, and what they See when they See me, is Jesus, in some form or other.

What we learn when we learn what we learn is not always what we want to learn!

I have to give credit to the recent Despacho Ceremonies from Karen Chrappa, for initiating several months of very deep learning experiences for me.

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