Monday, June 25, 2012



One of the most useful Shamanic Yoga 'props' is the Yoga Bar.  I started with an imitation of the ballet barre installed around the walls of Marie Svoboda's studio in Seattle, where I studied yoga for ten years in the 1980s, until the onset of my Initiation as a Shaman in late 1990.  I now use the utility table in my front room, which doubles for everything. 

A year or so before this foto, Marilyn Monroe attacked me in the bedroom, where this canvas was hanging unpainted.  She wanted a painting of her 'yoni', to hang above the bed.  The red circle is her yoni.  This canvas brings trouble wherever I hang it.  So it mostly resides face to the wall in a storage area behind the door in the bedroom.  I bring it out for special occasions.  At this time we were working on a painting for Shakti.  The girl in the foto is doing a Shakti dance. 
I decided to set up the camera to see if I could get a foto of the Yoga Bar in use.  Marilyn Monroe joined in as an Orb against the red circle.  If you enlarge the foto, you can see that this orb is distinct from other orbs in that it has a concentric pattern inside the orb.  I'll see if I can transfer this pattern to the canvas sometime.  All my painting is done at the instigation of Marilyn Monroe, so you never know....  

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