• Here's an update on my involvements with the Lunar Moods. This Moon has been weird; or should I say 'wired'? First, my source got the date wrong; or did it? I was getting Selena vibes which led me to believe Full Moon was actually on Friday, like I thought. And I got Hecate vibes the day after, telling me to drink glass after glass of water, which is normal after Full Moon, when Hecate takes over to clean house. But Saturday was a heavy day, very much like Friday.
    At my house, where the Medicine Energies rule, things happen a bit differently than in a normal residence. After the lunar energies, the Medicine Energies are the next most available thought-form medium to culti
    vate. It is entirely up to you to build the Medicine Energies in your place, using the Vortexes, the energies of Nature in your yard and home, and the Power Objects of your practice, among other things.
    For me, with my embodiment of the spirits, there are events that often interfere with the simpatico vibes I'm trying to cultivate. When my spirits attack, it gives me such a shock that it comes out my rectum. So that happened the day before Full Moon, and I had to deal with the 'Tamas' (ayurvedic term) of their presence.
    Another tamas aspect is the smoke hanging in the valley for the past few weeks from the dozens of wildfires burning in the mountains and sage country around Yakima and Eastern Washington State.
    Many times the things that affect the Medicine are not apparent for some time after they occur, since they are at a very high or very low or very deep level. So I spend a lot of time sorting things out.
    The upshot is that for this moon cycle, my energies were burned out. The Despacho Ceremony I had been preparing was interrupted by the double date of the Full Moon, and the tamas energies began to weigh so heavily that many preparations failed to get done.
    Learning the Despacho is an excellent project for me at this time, when I'm due to turn 70 next month, am just getting back on my feet after the two decades of Initiation from my Allies, and fighting to regain mental clarity after the onset of senile symptoms. The art of Ceremony requires bringing together many elements from the three worlds, and provides a wonderful structure for organizing the energies.
    So I'll just keep bringing more and more elements into the mix, and be more prepared for the New Moon Despacho.
    I installed the Hecate Altar this afternoon, to focus the energies of the waning moon.
    From now on, there is a new set of tattwas, a new way of using the energy body awareness, so it's time to tune in to the new vibes.
    Be sure to post here with any thoughts, feelings, happenings or questions.