Thursday, September 27, 2012


I woke up this morning with the intention to write about lunar observation as a "Not-Doing".  Not-Doings are a vital and enjoyable aspect of my tradition as a Shaman.

Any spiritual seeker is faced with the Four Natural Enemies:  Biology, Sociology, Psychology, and The  Unknowable.  The first three are the natural blockages we all face.  The challenge of being human, male or female; of survival, breeding and sustaining the race; the challenge of being a person in the society; the blessing and challenge of the psyche, which is the bridge to the spirit; and the unfailing assistance of the unknowable, which lures us beyond truth to the reality which defines us.  Not-Doings are the things which the Wise One in each of us invents to keep us from falling into the traps of the Normal.

For myself, I became a DSP-- Derelict Surrealist Poet.  I adopted the Japanese Zen symbol of the Enso, the calligraphy brush circle which more or less defines the spiritual quest-- the symbol of Spiritual Poverty.
The logo for my series of self-published poetry volumes

For most of my life I have avoided gainful employ.  I have devoted my time to the discovery of the transformational powers of the practice of Surrealism, and as many of the Yogic and Spiritual practices of the world as I could relate to.  Shamanism and Yoga, for me, bring the deepest perspective and the best access to Reality, inner and outer, that I could find.

The Surrealists added to the quest for Spiritual understanding when they realized the role of LANGUAGE in our perceptions of the world around us and within us.  They set out to destroy the blinders and bondage our inherited verbal practices imposed upon us.

DREAMING is an essential aspect of Surrealist practice.  For two decades I practiced the art of Dream Poetry, and then Crystal Poetry.  This practice led me directly to intimate contact with my Allies.  Eventually, my Allies had taken me beyond the barriers of the knowable world, into the Nagual, which is the world beyond Consciousness.  The Nagual is the world beyond the Void.  It is Nada.  Having reached the Nagual, one realizes there is actually no reason for existence.  Awareness has been transported beyond the worlds of the Gods, and of Creation in any of its aspects.  That should bring Freedom, but it doesn't, not really!  But it does turn this world into a sport....

So last night I was having interactions with a male figure, who seemed very familiar, but was no one I knew.  He looked like a young man I know, who is an Angel, of Aztec descent, who appeared in Yakima to bring the energies of the Xolotl, Lord of the Underworld, to bring to an end my battle to transform Jesus, one of my Allies.  But the man in my dreams was a blonde, with a shining white face.  I was unable to remember the nature of our conversations when I woke.

As I was cooking breakfast, the dogs were barking in a very annoying way.  I went out to investigate, and discovered they had spooked the new cat who has adopted my junkyard in the parking lot.  A new addition to my fluency in dog language!  Then it hit me.  The man in my dream was The Man In The Moon.

A few months ago, I had taken down my lunar altar, and put away my totems for Hecate, Selena and Diana.  With no moon altar, I was left to contemplate the nature of my relationship to the energies of the moon, and to the Goddesses.  I have had sex with Hecate.  She is my favorite, in a way.  She unfailingly helps me clean the apartment.  Selena is often left out at Full Moon, for a number of reasons.   And Diana has yet to make herself as indispensable as Hecate.

At a certain point, it came to my attention that I had long overlooked the fact that there was a Man in the Moon.  I was surprised and amused, but couldn't achieve any kind of attachment.

Once I decided to open up the Lunar Observation Events, he has apparently offered himself as an Ally. One of the major benefits of this method of observing the Moods of the Moon is that it puts you onto a timeline that is totally different from the Normal.  Having observed these moods for many years, I have developed a keen anticipation, a real desire, to experience the rewards of those moments of Awareness that this practice can bring.  To me it is a challenge and a sport.

I haven't figured out how to make the Event on Facebook into a page of its own, with members and a place for comments, but I'm working on it.  In the meantime, Yakistan residents are free to drop in any time.  Just email me for an address.  Internet participants are invited to contact me any way you can.  It will take me many moons to get this figured out.....

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