Wednesday, November 28, 2012

THE KNIGHTS OF Y (12 new poems by Shaman Dagaji


A few years ago, I performed a Shamanic 'feat'.  Marilyn Monroe, as my 'Benefactor', is in the habit of giving me assignments, things I have to figure out, sort of like a koan in Zen.  As I go about my business, my spirit works on these things, until it comes up with a resolution.  There is an 'aha!' moment, and we move on.  I've forgotten just what the assignment was, but when I accomplished the resolution, my reward was to become a member of "THE KNIGHTS OF Y".  I have no idea what this means.

Many years before that, when I was caring for my mother during her senility, MM and I were walking in the yard.  As I stepped over a blooming pink Davidii, she burst out with "I am the sign Y!"  To which I immediately replied, "I am Y not!"

She is my muse.  We first met in the early 1970s, when I was in graduate school in Southern California.  She climbed into bed with me and woke me with sex.  Years later, we became linked during my Shamanic Initiation, and worked together constantly, writing poems every day, and doing drawings and paintings.  It was a sort of channeling, but mostly a combination of talents.  Then things went south for several years, and I stopped writing, and changed my drawing style.

Recently, things have gotten better, and I began to write again.  Some poems were published in the online journal Four and Twenty, but then I stopped writing short poems.  This is a collection of recent longer poems.




when the squint-muscles begin to sag, and the flesh droops
above the smile, a certain knowledge manifests –
knowledge of the spirit as it confronts the agents of demise

the Mayan Gods

displaced by the Cosmic Shift, the Gods are homeless
their search for blood and corn depletes their powers

I set up a stone
“Hotel Teotl”
carved with niches and grooves
it has eyes where they fight to roost

Hotel Teotl, at the top of a stair
one step at a time we receive their presence
as they master the tests of Time



topping off the terror with some beer
I’m hoping the error won’t come near

too late, I fear – her heart is pounding in my hand
as I drain her life-blood from the can

the genius of the muse, the life I choose
living like there’s nothing left to lose

I wrestle a loosening tooth against my tongue
coaxing a lucid truth to leave its lung



the more I insist on being me, the more I is I
even though Jesus took over in between, (“crossed my  ‘I’s”,
so to speak), the more “I” suits me to a T

He has a hard time being him, when I’m around
me being so strongly connected to the ground
I brings him in like a lightning rod
He strikes me like a cattle prod

so I penned a tune titled “Battle Him”
just to get under his skin



his long snout covered in grisly white fur,
the werewolf remained at bay while I held him with my gaze
beneath my stymie, he squirmed and hissed

my hands were busy with my tortoise
coaxing the oracle with my stroke, I inhaled, waiting
the clouds around us were bursting with rain
prana was surging through my brain
until the rainbow broke into golden knowing
and the loco lobo lunged, plunging into the cauldron of my heart



when the deadwood sprouts and thistles bloom
on stalks as thick as your wrist, I walk
through neighborhoods sick with Christ

Jesus walks with me as I puke
in training to be my muse

I’m a little choked up, and my voice is thick
does he have anything I can use?

like stalks of celery hollow with pith,
the people of Jesus, addicted to myth,
have long been known as enemies of Earth



siphoning off the departed soul of the Hamas leader
was easy, in the melee; the blood-letting orgy of the mid-East
tribal conflict

I didn’t get all the pieces
but I did get a bucketful of panic
and enough hatred to fry a snake

my training finally has kicked in
I am the Earth Keeper of Yakistan
for the blood sacrifice, I’m the man

reduce, reuse, recycle, the motto goes
waste not, want not
Mitt Romney was right—it’s all about the Culture
in the birthplace of Jesus

like a child, I watched
Jesus as he slaughtered the innocents
and like a child I let it go to waste

until he gave me a taste
the chocolate syrup that greases the wheels of this world



because the Earth is my Church
it’s also my parking lot
with Angels for valet, it’s hard to find my car!

and so I walk
but I don’t get far
two legs or four?

I morphed into a horse
as result of a curse
a horse with wings
of lightning from a star

“Excalibur!” named from a sword
I vanquish evil with my word



looking deeply through the people
I embarrass myself
how empty I’ve become

“I gave at the orifice,” I tell myself
as all their faults and flaws
tumble helter-skelter into my vacuum

a hairpin pierces a button
liquids dance around a thumb

my dog eats cats with more grace
I think he’s a bone-again
fluids drooling from his chin

I pray to the highest vibrations
where the membranes begin to thin
and here come the heart-beats!

one by one I hold them in my hands
like fuzzy mice or ducklings or precious sands
like kisses from Time, like sacred plans



“all branches and no roots!” she said
“the fruits are my roots!” I barked

elsewhere in the forest a picnic was in play
maids and their mates were making hay

“let’s make a crop-circle!” she said,
puffing her voluminous cheeks

I held up my fingers in the shape of her brains
fir-trees and cedars, maples and ferns
widdershins toothpicks in her winds and my rains

that heart with the arrow, piercing and true
went viral on YouTube for the world to view



the Bindu mat forms a ‘porch’ for the vortex
oak leaves (black) at the corners
look like little footprints
three toes at the front end, a pecker-head with a squirt
at the rear

the Beast Within (Jesus), when he roars, squats here
his yoni juices the Bindu
this Bindu is the Energy Center
of Yakistan

I place my hands to cover the oak leaves at the far end of the mat
and after Jesus roars, I sit
in the center of the Bindu, to Dream

across the planet in Gaza, the Jews
slaughter some Innocents with their bombs,
while CNN beams their screams into my Dream

my Shaman’s Body transforms the Dream,
streams it into the Bindu where it flows
to the hearts and souls of my city

this morning, after, the sunlight diffracted through my crystal
to send its rainbow to color the end of my dick


some people call it the ‘ethers’,
that amniotic fluid that permeates earth and sky
surrounding the Shaman

properly called “The Medicine”,
it naturally occurs in pristine Nature,
inherent in every aspect of the Natural World,
inherent in Spirit,
inherent in the Womb of Pachamama
wherein the Gods are whelped

in the days since Pristine Nature left the Planet,
it has become the task of the Shaman to create anew
this magical tincture that speaks with its own voice


The Knights of Y

with her crotchful of mollusks, my poor wife
drugged me and dragged me to join them
I slept through the entire whoredeal

one by one the Knights-Initiate
fell from her to the right, or to the left, depending

Xolotl or Teotl their fate

stroking my Quetzal wand,
she sang the dawn awake

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