Check your adrenalin levels. Are you always going at an adrenalin pace? Got work to do? Hurry, hurry! You might find yourself on an adrenalin trip about now. We have a fine fat gibbous moon tonight in Yakima, with FULL MOON on Friday morning. Always running on clock time, week days, weekends, holidays, paydays, bills due, deadlines... seems like we just got through the New Moon. Lots of things came crashing to an end just ten days ago, and then the crescent failed to show on time because of the cloudy weather. The moon was resting. Then all of a sudden we got moving again, with new things cooking.
Although it's four days till the moon is actually at Full, the few days before are usually filled with signs and signals of the lunar mood. Since we're approaching Halloween, the world around us will be awash with hucksters selling their wares to the commercial classes. When I became a Shaman, I found I had to remove myself from all this clamor. Because the Moon has messages for the inner self every two weeks, and especially at significant times of the year. The culture at large is much removed from the inner self. A Shaman has a direct link to lunar moods, and therefore to moods of the spirit world which affect each of us at profound levels. As we carry these moods of the moon from New to Full to New again, month after month, year after year, we learn to sense the surf.
What if we're doing a healing? My healings require that I carry the spirit of the client in my 'pouch', or energy field, or attention span, for many moon cycles, sometimes. I find that the factors which affect my client reveal themselves as subtle shifts of energies often akin to the moon's shifting moods. I use the waxing and waning of the moon to bring clarity to my understanding of situations involving me, or my client, or the world at large. With each shift of understanding, I am able to make adjustments to the Medicine Energies, and the particular 'charm' I'm building for the client. I can tell by the 'tattwas', or 'times', or 'moods' of each day, in the same way I am aware of the Moon's moods, just what is happening with my client, and whether the charm is working. There is always a light to guide me.
It is my job to keep myself open to these aspects of the world as they change around me and my Medicine. A few years ago, I was working with a woman in Southern California, who was very agitated, and was having problems in nearly every aspect of her life. After a few weeks, we had developed a close rapport, and she was doing better, but her ex-husband appeared in her life, and she went off the deep end.
One morning I woke up and felt that she was in trouble. I did a ceremony for her. An hour later I got an email. She was in the hospital, having swallowed a a bottle of sleeping pills. In her near-death experience, I had awakened her with a touch on the brow. Intuitions and feelings can be very powerful over great distance, but a certain level of awareness must be maintained in order to pick up on the clues, whether it's for a client or for yourself.
Month after month, year after year, the Moon brings changes in our awareness throughout its cycle. There is always a warm feeling when I feel these changes in my energy field.
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