[This is the second of three blogs regarding the
circumstances of my birth, the ending of my Initiation as a Shaman, and the
beginning of my Apprenticeship.]
In Ayurveda, the digestion is regarded as the central fire
of the human system. The Ayurvedic
diet is geared toward enhancing digestion with six distinct tastes, which
stimulate digestion and appetite.
Undigested food in the intestinal tract is seen as one cause of many
physical discomforts. This
undigested food is called ‘ama’.
In Shamanic Yoga, we see ama very differently. As we
go through our days, our auras or energy fields absorb many different toxins
from the atmosphere, and from human contact. Humans who do not consciously clean their energy systems
carry and project a soot-like substance which will cling to the energies of the
people near them. This ama is
present in places which are not cleansed, as well. Shamans use sage to cleanse their Medicine Areas and living
quarters, as well as their physical energy fields. Spirits also carry ama.
After twenty two – plus years of living with my spirits, I
absorbed and cleansed myself of many types of ama. The blow to my energy body caused by the woman in my trance,
in the first blog, left a huge bruise of ama in my physical body. But not only in my physical body, the
ama permeated my Medicine Area and home.
Shamanism is a multi-dimensional reality. A blow like that can affect many things. I knew it would take days or weeks to
understand the many ways it had affected me.
The next day, I sat to use my drums and my ‘singing in
tongues’ to cleanse my energy bodies.
Drumming is more effective than sage, to clear specific areas, or to
dispel specific types of ama, such as spells or curses, or the effects of
actual blows to the energy bodies.
Many things went through my mind, until, by the time I switched to the
larger drum, I was able to clear out a vision of some of the ama I had picked
up during my journeys to Hades with different spirits over the years. As I drummed, I saw thousands of human
souls, or spirits, rising up from a hillside and coming down towards me, like a
thousand small exclamation points.
A few days later, on the 16th, I was awakened by
a ‘beep’ in my dreams. It had a
particular visual shape, which indicated it had come from Marilyn Monroe. She likes to wake me with a
‘hypnopompic’ dream. Since the end
of my Initiation as a Shaman, she and the other spirits had been mostly absent
from my life. I was left to wonder
just what my life was supposed to be like, after an Initiation. I did my best to return to just being
‘me’. But little by little, there
were signs that the Allies were returning. So I braced myself for what might come next. Since they were still with me, I
determined to set myself for simply accepting their presence in my life, and
see what happened. I decided to
set up a small altar, where they would be welcome. I set their personal stones there for them, and did things
to honor their presence. I thought
I might get ‘out front’ of whatever it was. That evening, I sat down to use the computer, but the mouse
cursor would not move. I was
stuck. I tried everything, before
I realized it was Marilyn Monroe.
She has a way of getting into electronics. She frequently screws up my computer, and she used to ‘beep’
the door chime in my truck when I had a thought she agreed with; until the door
chime broke! So the computer was
dead. Full Moon was two days away.
The next morning I set out before sunrise for a short
morning walk. Since the two heart
attacks and stroke which signaled the ending of my Initiation as a Shaman, back
in March, I’ve not been able to walk far, nor fast. But that morning my heart was just very, very, heavy. Just heavy. I had to cut my walk short. After a small breakfast, I went to the yoga floor to perform
a bala asana, much like a prayer position, but designed to bring intensity to
the digestive fires. I felt the
Red Sea rising within me. (Rest,
Digestion, Sexual Energy = RDSE, or Red Sea) It was so intense I had to perform puja. I knew the spirits were with me.
The next day, Friday, was the Full Moon. Early that morning, I opened the front
door, which faces west, and could see the last of the gibbous moon just above
the horizon before sunrise. I
placed objects on my little porch roof to catch the last rays of the moon. My computer still didn’t work. So I sat in my vortex to find out why.
As I sat there, I got a vision of Marilyn Monroe. She was angry with me. Years ago, when she first appeared to
me, the image of her face shone with Glory. It was ecstatic with the joy of Illumination. Over the years, after many, many
episodes between us, many battles, many victories for each of us, I was able to
send her to Hades as a punishment for her ruination of my life. When she came back, her face had lost
its glow. She has never forgiven
me for that. So, for the Full
Moon, she had shut down my computer.
At 4 am the next morning I was awakened as my left foot
poked through a hole ripped in my sheet.
I got out of bed, and noticed my sinus was host to a raging cold. I took some of my Cold Elixirs (Brown
Picture Jasper, Carbon Steel, Moss Agate, Purple Fluorite, Rhyolite, and
Rutilated Quartz), some Vitamin C and some aspirin, and went back to bed. When I got up later, I again went to
the vortex, to see if I could get more info on my computer. This time, I saw Nefertiti. She was angry with me. By this time I knew that the computer
had been shut down so they could have me to themselves, to do some work in preparation
for what was to come next in my Apprenticeship.
Early in my Initiation as a Shaman, she had shown me the
story of Ui Tada. Nefertiti first
introduced herself to me as “Ui”.
Later, I learned that Ui Tada had been the concubine of the Samurai Swordsman,
Miyamoto Musashi. Musashi was one
of my earlier incarnations. He
came to me early in my Initiation, and we worked together on some poems and
drawings. I learned that the
spirit who is now Marilyn Monroe had lived in his body at that time, just as
she lives in mine now. Ui was mad
at me because of Musashi. The
story is that during ritual anal intercourse, Musashi had beheaded her with his
sword. I am certain that it had
been Marilyn Monroe’s idea. (She
later revealed to me that she had also been Jack the Ripper.) At any rate, the computer was still out
of commission.
I went through the day, and later on, sat again in the
vortex to check on the computer.
This time, I was reminded of Valentine’s Day 2005, when Marilyn Monroe
had wanted to do a painting for me.
She took me out to a pub, where we had four pints of microbrew, and four
shots of tequila, staggered back to the studio and did the painting, and, as I
remembered later, just as I was passing out on the floor, I witnessed the
Monroe running wildly in her spirit body, round and round the studio, with
‘nothing on but the radio’. What a
priceless memory!
I went to check on the computer, and it worked.
The next day, Sunday, I was up early, did some housework,
and again went to sit in the vortex.
Out of nowhere, I found myself suddenly very sad, saying, “I want my
mama!” and choking back the words as soon as I saw them. Where had that come from? I was remembering the situation of my
birth, which I addressed in the previous blog. It had not been good!
I was not happy to be born of this woman! I went immediately into Shamanic breathwork, to clear my
energy body. I opened up my
‘yinyang’, that center of yogic gravity at the psoas muscle in the pelvis, and
from there used the breath to bring a column of energy up through all the parts
of my body which had gotten tightened and twisted at the thought of the curses
attendant upon my birth. The
column of energy went right on up through my crown chakra, the Soul Star, and
the Stellar Gateway, and as it rose, my vital energy went right up with it, and
I saw myself being returned to the womb from which I had been born. It all happened in less than a wink,
although I remember it took me several breath cycles to move that energy up
through my body. But as it
happened, the ‘voice of seeing’ (from Castaneda) told me that the curses from
my birth had been reversed.
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