Monday, October 1, 2012


It's a relief to have the Full Moon gone!  This moon was a rotten one at Shamaland.  It's hard to tell if my Despacho Ceremony from the last New Moon is responsible.  I did a ceremony to complete the riddance of Marilyn Monroe and Jesus from my energy field and life-path, a 'Kooti' Despacho.  But I forgot to follow it immediately with an 'Ayni' Despacho, to seal out the negatives which had been banished.  I received various 'touches' from Marilyn Monroe during the two weeks, and resolved to bring about a way to deal with that issue.

By last night (Sunday), I was certain that the moon had changed, and installed the Hecate altar.  I had failed to bring about the Harvest Despacho.  There was simply too much tamas in the atmosphere from the weeks of smoke, and from the presence of Marilyn Monroe.  I'm just not that strong yet!  (I discovered that was the meaning of the dream message that 'it's the gonads, not the chakras, which brings about the ceremony.')  Got to strengthen my gonads!

And several things about the Despacho seemed inappropriate.  I'm still learning what materials to use.  There are many factors to consider, once you get deeper into the process.

This morning it was a pleasure to be with Hecate.  The air seemed clear.  The energies were good.  Several places got cleaned as I moved about in the morning.  And then I glanced out the bedroom window, as the light grew strong enough to illuminate the vacant lot next door.  Flashes of white and gray showed through the green slats inserted in the cyclone fence between the lots.  I went outside while the breakfast cooked, and discovered that during the night, someone had dumped a huge grey couch in the lot, with its large rectangular chunks of foam rubber cushions scattered about.  This little slum neighborhood catches a lot of refuse, in the alleys and vacant lots!

So now to get ready for Ceremony at the New Moon, just after my 70th birthday.  After many, many years of working with these moon cycles, it just gets deeper and deeper, like a river which never empties.  The moon pulls you along.  It's a marvelous teacher and companion.

As a part of the Medicine Energies, the moon teaches the Energy Body (energy field awareness) to realize its own awareness.  The Energy Body picks up the intelligence of the Vortexes in the house and yard, as they change and mature from the attentions of the Shaman.  It's been six years in this location, and quite an education from these vortexes, with still more and more to come, as the season changes into autumn, and very quickly into winter.  The vortexes are planning their surprises for me!

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