Monday, October 8, 2012


It's all a matter of timing...  Starting a group to observe the moods of the moon just at the change into Autumn!  The sun, as we all are aware, certainly trumps the moon at these times.  While the moon has been very influential in my Shamanic work recently, I've been so totally absorbed in the ritucharya of the equinox that I've not been able to blog the moon.

I'll just say now how important I've realized it is to live in a community of like-minded souls.  It's too much for a single individual to track and record the many aspects of Shamanic life, while at the same time being fully engaged in the practice, which is both active and re-active!

I've been working on developing a place to house my burgeoning collection of containers with everything from roses to peppers in them, as well as my beloved geraniums, to get them through the winter.  And finding a way to get a doghouse of sorts for the wild dog who has adopted this apartment as his safe haven.

I mentioned the Ayurvedic term 'ritucharya', which denotes the chores specific to the seasons, as marked in two-month intervals.  The corresponding term, 'dinacharya' refers to the daily chores and practices necessary to support a yoga practice.  Ayurveda translates to 'life science'.  While the phases of the moon are a subtle mode of access to the outer world, ayurveda provides a remarkable and novel way to access subtle systems in the inner world of the body as it is affected by yoga.  This is a very complex science, developed over thousands of years, and views the energies of the body in very different ways from Western science.  I think ayurveda is extremely important, as is a reasonable yoga practice, in order to sustain the subtle and gross anatomies over the many decades of spiritual engagement.  Within the body are systems which interface in wonderful ways with the energies of the outer world.  These energies are the Medicine Energies.

Observation of the lunar energies is a convenient first practice to open the awareness to other avenues of subtle realizations which can be very helpful in avoiding the disasters of modern 'medicine' as it wreaks havoc on the aura and other subtle energy systems of the body, psyche, mind and spirit.

More later...  --soon!
Namaste, Shaman :Dagaji

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